Work who gaves his name to the collective showe Ianua, Galerie Jousse Entreprise, Paris, Fevrier 2022.
Ianua is the door, access in Latin, it is from this root
that the god Janus finds his name. Transition idol,
of transformation. It is a being, a two-headed threshold
– one looking to the past, the other to the future –
perceiving both the before and the after, the interior and the exterior, the whole,
without moving.
It is through this immobility, this suspension between two times,
this slit of the moment, that I consider drawing as a state of the middle,
metamorphosis, between the larval stage and the imaginal stage,
by Imago.
Ianua is a nymph, assuming her spectral form,
suspended in its starry night.
Crossing two lives, unable to be reduced to either one or the other,
in the same way that we cannot
relieve us of the past or the future to exist in the present.
It is a life capable of inhabiting and hosting
several forms simultaneously and which makes this amphibious character its power. *
She is a being whose the form punctually coincides with the matter
and whose the origin cannot be distinguished from its future,
is none other than what we call time.” *
* Coccia - Metamorphoses.Ianua is the door, access in Latin, it is from this root
that the god Janus finds his name. Transition idol,
of transformation. It is a being, a two-headed threshold
– one looking to the past, the other to the future –
perceiving both the before and the after, the interior and the exterior, the whole,
without moving.
It is through this immobility, this suspension between two times,
this slit of the moment, that I consider drawing as a state of the middle,
metamorphosis, between the larval stage and the imaginal stage,
by Imago.
Ianua is a nymph, assuming her spectral form,
suspended in its starry night.
Crossing two lives, unable to be reduced to either one or the other,
in the same way that we cannot
relieve us of the past or the future to exist in the present.
It is a life capable of inhabiting and hosting
several forms simultaneously and which makes this amphibious character its power. *
She is a being whose the form punctually coincides with the matter
and whose the origin cannot be distinguished from its future,
is none other than what we call time.” *
* Agamben - Nymphs.

Ianua / Indian inks on Hanji paper and metal / variable dimensions / 2022
Ianua א / inks on paper / 175 x 100 cm / 2021
Ianua ב / inks on paper / 175 x 100 cm / 2021

Ianua / Indian inks on Hanji paper and metal / variable dimensions / 2022